Glossary of Terms - Premium Rate Services
Also known as 'follow me' numbers, PN2 numbers and Personal numbers, these are virtual numbers prefixed with '070' which can be routed through to either a landline or mobile number of your choice. These are useful for privacy as they prevent the need to pass on a direct telephone number to callers.
UK voice traffic is subject to Annex E of the BT SIA, which covers the definitions, conditions and process of AIT.
An API is an interface that essentially allows our servers (computers) to talk to your server (computer) and are often used as the gateway between our IVR systems and your website. An example of when an API might be used is when customers are asked to enter their credit card details by an IVR system - the API then calls the customers bank to verify that the funds are available and responds with a true or false value. The IVR system then handles the call accordingly.
The transmission route a call takes between being dialed and reaching it's final destination.
The CLI is the telephone number that is making the call to the premium rate number. Often referred to as Caller Identifier and allows you to see who is calling before you answer the call.
The industry regulator for the Republic of Ireland. Their website can be viewed here.
The PRS industry regulator for Canada. Their website can be viewed here.
Direct Dialing In (DDI), Often referred to as Direct Inward Dialing (DID). This is the capability or service feature for an external caller to call or phone an internal extension, without having to pass through an operator or agent.
Also referred to as 'per-call' billing - customers are charged a fixed fee immediately upon connection.
See also Hybrid Tariffs and Per Minute billing with a Connection Fee.
Also known as '070 numbers', 'PN2 Numbers and 'Personal Numbers', these are numbers which allow the user a good level of privacy as they prevent having to give callers / the general public a direct dial number. Please click here for more information on 070 Numbers.
Hybrid tariffs are a cross between drop charge and per minute billing. With a hybrid tariff the customer is charged a fixed fee immediately upon connection with the tariff then reverting to a pay per minute charge after 60 seconds.
Now known as The PSA, The Phone-paid Services Authority. ICSTIS (Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of the Telephone Information Services) is a former name for the premium rate industry regulator.
Former names also include PhonepayPlus.
IVR systems are software based solutions which handle calls in accordance with a pre-determined set of conditions. They range from simple setups which route calls to different numbers depending on the customer needs (i.e."Press 1 for our sales department, press 2 for customer services"), through to bespoke complex setups that can queue calls and much more.
The term 'Managed Content' describes services such as our managed adult services and our managed psychic services. With these services we provide the technology and staff to handle the calls and operate the services within full compliance of all regulatory guidelines. With our managed services your only responsibility is promotion and we can help with this should it be required.
Companies which provide mobile telecommunications networks such as 02, Orange, T-Mobile, Virgin, Vodafone and HG3.
Refers to premium rate SMS where the customer is billed as they send the message from their phone. As such, if the customer does not have enough credit the message will not be sent to the shortcode.
This refers to premium rate SMS where the customer is billed for each premium rate message as they receive it (see 'Reverse Billing'). If an MT message can't be delivered due to the recipient having insufficient credit or if their phone is switched off the messages are queued for delivery. Once the phone is 'topped up' or switched back on the queued messages are delivered.
The regulators of the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms and mobile telephones. Their website can be viewed by clicking here.
Originating Network Operator.
A number commencing "070", otherwise termed a "follow me" number allowing a customer of that number to be called using a single access number and used in accordance with OFCOM regulations.
The previous name for the industry regulator (formerly known as ICSTIS, currently known as The PSA, The Phone-paid Services Authority). In December 2007 it was confirmed that PhonepayPlus will act as the agency which regulates the PRS industry on behalf of OFCOM. Their website can be viewed here.
The currentindustry regulator (formerly known as PhonepayPlus and ICSTIS). In Autumn 2016 the regulator changed its name to The PSA. The Phone-paid Service Authority regulates content, goods and services which are charged to a phone within the UK. Their website can be viewed here.
Certain services (such as those offering professional advice) require the approval of the industry regulator, The Phone-paid Services Authority, before being allowed to commence service. Please click here to view their website.
Short for Premium Rate Number.
Short for Premium Rate Services.
Short for Premium Rate Short Messaging Service.
Up until 12th July 2010 Regtel were the industry regulators for Premium Rate Services in the Republic of Ireland. Their role has now been taken over by ComReg.
Many premium rate text services work on a reverse billing basis - this means that customers are charged upon receipt of a message and is useful for subscription based services such as goal updates and horoscopes.
The term SMS stands for 'Short Messaging Service' and it is the technology which allows mobile telephones to send and receive text messages.
These are the 4/5/6 digit numbers allocated to services which operate using Premium Rate SMS. Click here for more information on PSMS.
Terminating Network Operator.
Transit Operator.
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